Welcome to our Ancient Kitchen

Warm from the oven!


Here at Vision’s Sown, we assert that the Ancient Kitchen is a cooking space where the rules are suspended for remembering and paying reverence            to  long forgotten food traditions.

Most traditional ingredients are set aside for wise plants that possess newly discovered nutritional value. and have sustained world cultures for centuries.  A kitchen space enchanted with vibrant colors, rich aromas, nutrient dense plants of all kinds.  Minimally processed, agrarian foodways.  

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5 Responses to Welcome to our Ancient Kitchen

  1. Hi Ancient Baking Fans!!

    Hope to see you all at the Boston Vegetarian Food Festival this weekend

    Tonya, The Ancient Baker…

    • vicentica valdes says:

      Dear Tonya,

      I was wondering if you lived in Boston, MA and knew someone named Tica who had a baby named Ezra around the time you were living in Boston.

      If you are indeed this Tonya that I remember, please email me and let me know how you and your family is doing.


  2. But if the kitchen rules are all suspended, how will we bake? 😦

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